TBS 2-70 2018 Class Reunion
Visiting the National Museum of the Marine Corps
The first couple hours were spent wandering through the museum. In addition to Marine historical sections, there are sections like one entitled “Making Marines”, which exposed the viewer to boot camp and the rifle range. There are also sections focused on children, like the two classrooms, as well as Chesty’s Corner.
At 1600 everyone gathered at the Medal of Honor Theater to see the action packed movie “We the Marines” on a giant screen. After the movie, everyone went up to Tun Tavern on the museum second floor for dinner. Before dinner, everyone gathered on the balcony for an early celebration of the 243rd birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Bob Fawcett and Lt. Gen. Rusty Blackman (Ret.), head of the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation, gave presentations before the cake cutting. Michael Maloney performed the cake cutting ceremony.